
Showing posts from October, 2024

Preliminary exercise learner response

1) Type up your teacher's feedback   in full  plus a summary of the comments you received from other students in the class. WWW: Research good                                                     good acting/performance/editing good range of shots,angles                                                              use of closeups good pace of the shots use of mirrors good performance  communicated narrative through text message EBI: limited shot list                                                     in depth shot list/many locations  -more detailed needed fast paced editing some shots on screen for too long in second half framing graphic titles/typography different costume 2) Using a combination of your own reflection on the preliminary exercise and the feedback you were given, write three WWW bullet points and three EBI bullet points for your work. WWW: camera angles visuals match lyrics natural lighting EBI: include more -locations -costume -graphics 3) How effectively did you c

Statement of Intent 2 + Treatment

The existing artist for my coursework is Sabrina Carpenter and the song is Nonsense. And the original name of my artist is Melody. The music magazine is a pop genre based magazine so I have named it PopBliss. I plan on meeting the brief by by including atleast two different locations, a home and an outdoor location. I will use a range of camera shots eg.establishing for scenery and close up’s to showcase emotion. As the music is of a pop genre the music video will also follow the fast past aspect of the song with a lot of focus on the feminine aspect. As for the music magazine on the front cover I intent to use an image of the artist Melody along with two smaller cover images showcasing the personality/brand of the artist. The content pages will include fashion tips and inspiration the artist received to write the song. I will use mise-en-scene to communicate style of the music through the costume and colouring as it should be light , feminine and fun. There will be high key lighting a

Preliminary exercise: Research and planning

Now complete the following tasks: 1) State the song you have chosen for your preliminary exercise. Sabrina Carpenter:Nonsense 2) Choose at least three music videos similar to your concept and watch a clip or more from each. Make bullet-point notes on everything you watch, commenting on camerawork, editing and mise-en-scene. Handheld camera work followers her throughout the video it is mostly medium to close up to show her carelessness after her break up but still dwelling on her feelings. Editing cuts every time the line changes. She has a casual outfit and neutral    makeup with very high key lighting as it’s outside beach setting or in public restaurant. She uses soft facial expression to clearly portray how she feeling. Her costume is casual and very girly which portrays her femininity. There are many camera angles from high and low and also handheld camera movements with close ups mostly. As the song is sad and about heartbreak the editing is slow. Firstly, their is an outdoor sett

Media Awards: Production Review

  Write detailed reviews on your coursework blog about your two favourite productions explaining why you think they’re effective. For  Media Language , make sure you think about... cinematography/camerawork : composition, framing, BCU, CU, MS, LS, pan, tilt, tracking shot, zoom mise-en-scĂ©ne : clothing, props, gestures, facial expressions, sets, setting (CLAMPS) lighting : key light, back light, filler light; underlighting, top lighting, back lighting; low-key/high-key lighting sound : diegetic/non-diegetic; on/off screen, sound bridge; parallel/contrapuntal sound, voiceover narration editing : continuity editing, jump cut, dissolve, wipe, fade in/out, cross-cutting, paralleling, cutaways, montage, suturing (shot/reverse shot) The Lurking Crow: Good use of different camera shots, and when she went to go get water the use of different camera angles. She used natural makeup and casual clothing with a home setting which goes with the theme. The sound especially the voice over was good and

Ignite presentation learner response

1) Type up your feedback   in full   including the ratings out of five for each of the categories.  1)3 2)3 3)3           =16/30 4)2 5)2 6)3 WWW: Good locations Good slides: not too much info, image on most slides Lighting/Cinematography covered, explanation given + editing Present well + audience: looks up & smiles, magazine covered Some theorist  covered: Van Zoonen, Propp Audience & Industry covered Branding + convergence EBI: Pause at beginning + between slides: better intro Too much on location  ?Costume? Too much on media language More of a conclusion/summary Finish research video/(or include links) Highlight key words ??Treatment not done ??450 Words in statement: use paragraphs 2) Use this feedback, comments from peers and your own reflection on your presentation to self-assess and write your own detailed WWW and EBI for your coursework concept and presentation as a whole. WWW: Good locations Good information Good use of theory & theorist Condensed note  Nice presen