Summer project tasks

1) Research: music videos
You need to write a 150-word close-textual analysis of SIX music videos that will inform your production work. The music videos you analyse are up to you but focus on a different aspect of media language for each one (see guidance below).  

Music videos

Make You Mine-Madison Beer: Narrative
How is narrative used in the music video and what impact does this have on the audience? Can you apply any narrative theories to the story in the music video?
Narrative is used in this video as it follows the plot of the movie of Jennifer’s Body where a girl(protagonist)  gets possessed and she has the urge to kill all the men especially her lover. In the music video you can clearly see the narrative and the orange haired girl her best friend (the helper) come together and kill her love interest. The music video follows her firstly at  school cheerleading waving at her love interest then it goes to her standing causally by her locker and then proceeds to them in the locker room where you can see that she has been possessed by the use of her glowing eyes and then the music stops in which you hear a scream signifying that she has successful killed her love interest then it goes to a scene showing her enjoying and having fun celebrating the success of her conquest whilst partying.

I love you sorry- Gracie Abrams: Camerawork (shots, angles, movement)

Look for particular camera shots and movement - remember that movement is a critical convention of most music videos and camerawork can contribute to this.
 First there a moving shot that goes towards the main actor and stops at a medium shot whilst she sings into the camera. There is another medium shot with two others but only she is looking at the camera then it quickly jumps to a long shot at a table then a medium close up of her in bed and then goes back to first medium shot of her in shiny into the camera then there is a close up of her face and quickly it moves to a underneath long shot which shows her swinging on a swing then her falling off screen. There a shot from behind as she rubs the sand of herself. Then quick changes if medium close ups in which she’s smiling having fun . A shot from a moving car but it’s in the view of someone watching her .Then a close moving close up towards her face. All these shots are handheld showing moving for personal sense .

Selfish-Madison Beer: Mise-en-scene
What do you notice about the use of mise-en-scene to create meanings for the audience? Use CLAMPS to help you here and think in particular about how mise-en-scene is used to communicate the genre of music and the personality or brand identity of the band/artist.
C:The actor is wearing a one piece grey outfit with cut outs maybe signifying the loss and peice of her she has lost.
L: The lighting is lowkey and strobes in and out almost periodically to to emphasise the loss and damage being constant.The lighting changes towards the end sort of like a lighting storm.
A: the actor is first lying down and get up and stays sat down during the entirety of the video  with her arm around her neck sort of like a hug. And her body language suggests she’s very closed off and sad. 
M: She is even wearing very minimal makeup in which her eyes are filled with tears which further emphasises her sad love song genre.
P:She doesn’t use any props during the video except she has rain towards the end of the video could signify her loss and pain pathetic fallacy making it rain,it starts very light and get eventually very heavy.
S: She is in a dark grey room which mimics her mood very sad and grey.

90s Love-NCT U: Editing
For editing, analyse pace, transitions, the number of shots and juxtaposition. How does the music video create pace and excitement - or does it create a different effect for the audience?  
Very fast paced editing to show the pace of the song.There is 4/5 shots per each minute in which it ranges from long shots to close ups. There much movement which helps the song progress as it is fast paced also. There also a a range of angles of each shot to make the audience aware of all angles out one after another to get all point is views. Also the mix of pictures and video to stay with the 90s vibe. There also animated parts which help break up the real people and give it a special feel with fits the themes of the video.

Stitches-Shawn Mendes : Conventions
Think back to our Introduction to Music Video and our work on Andrew Goodwin's theory on music video conventions as part of the Ghost Town CSP. How many key conventions of music video can you find in your fifth music video example?
There a clear conventions of narrative present in the music video as there is one person in the music video getting beat up with no one there and they are performing to get hit singing about how they will need stitches due to their lack of love. There’s clear performance as the person is getting beaten with not another person in frame. And it’s a love song so it’s them beating themselves up for not staying with their true love. the pence aspect is really showin towards the end as he getting pushed into a car window which makes it believable for audiences.

Roar-Katy Perry: Visual effects, intertextuality or product placement
Choose a video that has interesting visual effects or intertextuality and analyse the effect this creates and how it is constructed. Alternatively, you could look at product placement here and see how a band or artist has incorporated a brand or product into their video. 
There’s clear product placement in the roar music video as the pilot takes a selfie after a plane crash  with his nokia phone. even when she’s stuck on the island she is using the nokia phone to take a selfie with a monkey.

You can find a range of notable music video examples in this blogpost or you are free to select videos of your choice. You may wish to write more about one video than another but as long as you have 800+ words of music video research in total you will be fine. Feel free to use bullet points if this is helpful.

2) Planning: music video treatment
A treatment is like a script for a music video - it tells the band or artist exactly what will happen in the video and the kind of style or effect the video will have. You'll need choose what song you are going to use at this point - remember, you can use an existing artist's work but it needs to be appropriate for the brief. 
You can find further music video treatment guidance here plus an example of a genuine director's treatment for the brilliant alt-J video Breezeblocks
For this aspect of your summer project, write a basic treatment that gives your reader a good idea of what your three-minute video will look like. The most important thing is to keep in mind the brief - the music video must feature the artist or band (likely to be a performance element) plus a focus on footwear for the sponsorship deal specified in the brief. 

Start your treatment with the following key details: 

1) Artist/band and song you will use for your video: Nonsense-Sabrina Carpenter 
2) Original name for artist/band you have created :Melody

Scene 1: Melody in her bedroom in her robe fixing her makeup whist staring into her vanity. Using her phone to change name of number. Then looking into mirror and putting on a crown.
Scene 2:looking outside door and sees her friends and waves whilst licking a ice lolly. And gets paper of lyrics and rips it looking into the camera barrel.
Scene 3:Karoke singing lyrics and having fun with feather boat and putting a tissue with lipstick stain on camera.
Scene 4:spinning in a  and running around spelling out love
Scene 5:walking down Portobello road singing lines and bumping into new lo9ve interest and he gives her a rose.
Scene 6:Back in her bedroom thinking about the guy she met and smiling and screaming into pillow.
Scene 7: Dreaming dressed up saying outro at the pretend Grammy's

For example, Ed Sheeran - Shape of You is the artist and song you plan to use but your original name for your artist will be John Smith - Shape of You.

3) Statement of Intent

Write the first draft for your genuine 500-word Statement of Intent. This will be submitted to the exam board alongside your media products and is worth 10 marks of the overall 60 marks available.

The existing artist for my coursework is Sabrina Carpenter and the song is Nonsense. And the original name of my artist is Cherie Amour .The music magazine is a pop genre based magazine so I have named it PopBliss.I plan on meeting the brief by by including atleast two different locations, a home and an outdoor location. I will use a range of camera shots eg.establishing for scenery and close ups’s to showcase emotion. As the music is of a pop genre the music video will also follow the fast past aspect of the song with a lot of focus on the feminine aspect.

As for the music magazine on the front cover I intent to use an image of the artist Melody along with two smaller cover images showcasing the personality/brand of the artist. The content pages will include fashion tips and inspiration the artist received to write the song. I will use mise-en-scene to communicate style of the music through the costume and colouring as it should be light , feminine and fun. There will be high key lighting as it matches with such an upbeat song. The music video is a mix of performance and narrative as there are going to be performances based clips which match into a narrative. Some narrative codes such as flirty facial expressions with very fancy typography to further emphasises the style of the artist.My Music video reinforces stereotypes of women being drawn to costume and makeup making them very materialistic, These are van Zoonen’s ideas. My music video will reinforce certain stereotypes that women just need a man to live but will also subvert them to show how women have been able to live without men independently. I’m deliberately using both to show the conflicting views over times. My audiences is mainly 18-24 females who enjoy a luxurious lifestyle and find social media as their interest and may even want to purse it as a career. Other artist the audiences will enjoy are Olivia Rodrigo and Selena Gomez as they have a feminine love song discography. They enjoy entertainment and find personal identity in celebrities as they want to live their lifestyles.Audiences will access the music video through YouTube and follow it through the rise of fame as a TikTok audio transferring it to platforms like instagram. And as there is a footwear sponsorship the brand will use it to promote the shoe which gives more exposure to the song and the artist music. My record label called KGC Music suits my artist as they promote bringing a more feminine style back to music as a a major conglomerate. This will be reflected in my production from the quality and direction of my music video.

The original AQA brief is here: NEA Student Booklet - Brief 4.

We also strongly recommend you look at our Statement of Intent questions to consider documenttoo (you'll need to log in with your Greenford Google account to read this). 

This is just your first draft of the statement so try and keep it under 500 words if you can. That will leave a bit of room to add later when you do your next draft.

4) Ignite presentation

Prepare a 5-minute, 20-slide presentation using the Ignite format in which you present your coursework project. In effect, this is your statement of intent in presentation format. You must cover:

  • Your music video and music magazine concept: your new original artist, genre, song and music video treatment. Then, your print brief: music magazine title, double page feature, additional page, photoshoot etc.
  • Media language: how you will use music video conventions and music magazine conventions - e.g. camerawork, editing and mise-en-scene to create meanings for your audience. 
  • Media representations: how you will use or subvert stereotypes in your music video and music magazine; applications of representation theory; social and cultural contexts - how your coursework will reflect contemporary media culture and society.
  • Media audiences: your target audience demographics and psychographics; audience pleasures - why they would enjoy your music video and magazine; audience theory if relevant.
  • Media industries and digital convergence: the potential record company that would promote your band or artist; the publisher for your music magazine; the brand identity for your artist; how fans would engage with your products etc.

Ignite presentations have very specific rules: you must create exactly 20 slides with each slide set to 15-second auto-advance. This means your presentation will be exactly five minutes followed by questions and comments from the class. You will deliver your presentation on your coursework planning in the first week back in September.

Your Ignite presentation will be marked out of 30 on the following criteria (each worth a possible 5 marks):

1) Research (through the presentation AND your blog - make sure it is posted before you present) 
2) Coursework concept
3) Language: terminology and theory
4) Representations / social and cultural contexts
5) Audience and Industry / digital convergence
6) Presentation delivery


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